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I literally can't stand Han Garam !!! He's trash he treat's Yoon Jaehyuk like trash the p...

OnoderaRitsuTakanoMasamune85 February 12, 2024 4:27 pm

I literally can't stand Han Garam !!!
He's trash he treat's Yoon Jaehyuk like trash the poor guy can't get a breack he has tried his very best alway's amited about his wrong's and tryed to fix the problem after his being there for him when he was in trouble even if he did not ask for it he's try'd to make up with him all all he get's back in return is being treated like trash if i was him i just move on !!!

    misakihime February 12, 2024 5:20 pm

    I believe Yoon Jaehyuk is the trash one. He's such a dick and believes that he could get anything that he wants. He's only doing those things so he could get in Garam's pants. His pride is over the top that he can't even admit his own feelings. I say he deserve to be treated as trash if that's the only way for him to have a character development.

    innocent February 12, 2024 5:35 pm

    are we reading the same story?
    why are you siding w jaehyuk when he clearly only wanted to use han garam for sex and wanted to make han garam him fall in love and then dump him bc he wanted to hurt him .. theres no way u can side w the seme rn. he still needs to reflect and work on himself before being forgiven.

    kuro February 12, 2024 6:45 pm

    Are you kidding me rn? Jaehyuk is the one who's homophobic, doesn't care about his or garam's grades, won't respect garam's boundaries, forces himself on garam, doesnt listen when he says no, broke his laptop with his assignment on it, can't properly apologize and has the most immature, worst attitude and you're saying GARAM is the problem?? He's the completely rational one here!! He's the one who even let Jaehyuk use his thighs to have sex but he wasn't satisfied with that because it's "gay" as if having sex with another guy isn't already gay????

    mr jenni February 12, 2024 11:28 pm

    tell me you didn't read without telling me you didn't read

    gRaSsTaStEsGoOd February 13, 2024 3:05 am

    a few nice actions sprinkled here and there won't make him redeem himself... not yet at least. he 'started' chasing after garam bc he wanted to date him and then toss him aside once his feelings had fade and his "e.d." gets resolved. he's only starting to redeem himself so let's not take his side so early on