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To be fair;

GHOST February 15, 2024 8:50 am

I think it is good that it was the piece of shit rapist Daewoo that ended up killing this fake, because it keeps Woo-yeol’s hands cleaner ultimately.

Say, if ever the case of whether Woo-yeol actually killed someone comes under scrutiny, keeping himself clean here on will help him in the long run. We don’t know if it simply is untrue, related to an accident, self defense, unknowingly, indirect, etc.

Whatever the case, it’s good that here Daewoo is dirtying his hands even more, rather than Woo-yeol getting his ruined. Daewoo hopefully will die in the future for his disgusting sub-human acts, but for now, him being a “pawn”, so to speak, in cleaning up the issue of Woo-yeol doppelgängers is useful.
