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TF is going on??

Morohtar February 17, 2024 7:09 am

Seriously, from pretty much the very first chapter, the story is a mess.

I first thought it was the writing, as in: the author wrote this more like a 4-koma or a somewhat rough draft-ish type story, but the firster I read, the more obvious it gets that that is not the issue (or at least only in a few moments), but instead it's the chapter itself that's a jumbled mess. Who TF uploaded this and WHY if it remains unfixed. Ch. 5 -17.2 was such a mess I hardly know what pages go at the start and which ones at the end. Maybe some are even missing in chapters, that would explain how some panels on new pages align with the conversation but to NOT have a coherrent/smooth connection to the previous page's last panel.

For the love of anything ever holy: Please fix this mess and at least check if pages are in order before uploading. Otherwise it's nonsensical to even upload, let it be done by someone else instead then.

    Suzzu February 18, 2024 1:10 pm

    Unfortunately they removed the report manga in this site so there's literally NO WAY to delete or remove chapters that been uploaded... Only thing people can do is upload the fixed ones.

    Morohtar February 19, 2024 9:40 am
    Unfortunately they removed the report manga in this site so there's literally NO WAY to delete or remove chapters that been uploaded... Only thing people can do is upload the fixed ones. Suzzu

    That seriously sucks. Especially given how frequent these kinda things are, what with the idea of HAVING to be the first one to upload even if the quality is shitty and so much more. :/