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This Manga With The Key Still Haunts Me

Joyster_No_Pearl January 9, 2017 8:21 am

Ive been looking for it for y e a rs!!!! ┗( T﹏T )┛

There is this smart girl who plans to be the next dean/headmaster of the school shes at because the girl's father founded it and died and i guess they got cheated out of owning the school, but her mom always talks about it, i can't remember if they were poor or not, but she has this key and it goes to the headmaster or the deans office and the current headmasters son was taking a nap in there and they talk about how they're each going to be the next headmaster, but the girl loses her key in some bushes and this boy (who im positive was supposed to be in this story somewhere but i cant remember) whom she doesn't like finds it and i don't know if he returns it, i think he does, but the most vivid thing i remember is her saying "if you say one more word, i'll castrate you" twice while holding a pencil to boy 2's (maybe important boy) neck.

that's a weird jumble of info but if anyone can help me it would be be a m a z i n g
