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Merlot February 20, 2024 5:51 pm

it does annoy me that pink girl, rather than speak up and correct any misunderstandings, just follows the FL when the FL explicitly said she doesn't want to be followed. Like at some point it doesn't matter how well-meaning you are if you don't take someone else's boundaries into account. Especially when by staying put and speaking up she could have easily corrected at least some of the rumours.

    kuneho ♡(o⌒.⌒o) February 23, 2024 3:34 am

    Nah what she did was completely understandable and she definitely cares and plus just because someone says “don’t follow me” doesn’t automatically mean that I mean that simple thing could mean anything and clearly she saw that the mic was worried so I think it makes a lot of sense.

    kuneho ♡(o⌒.⌒o) February 23, 2024 3:35 am

    Plus the rumor thing I personally wouldn’t correct them either but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about the person who is getting rumored about. I mean there are so many reasons why someone does something it could be stupid in the moment but that’s because they are human and people make dumb choices all the time. Or maybe that choice was just their beliefs or something.