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feeling warm

Boogiepop February 21, 2024 12:09 am

ive just read this manga at a time in my life where i really need it. lately ive been struggling with expressing myself, and what it means to be a woman. i want to dress up and look cute, wear makeup more, and get better at cooking. the idea feels so liberating.

one thing thats held me back is...who am i doing that for? lots of media shows me that women do those things for men, right? and i like men, so i must be doing it for them, right? i have these questions and whilst i know in my heart that i dont want to do these things for men, i havent really seen anybody say that its OK for me to do these things because i like them.

so i thought i was lying to myself for wanting to do traditionally feminine things for my own enjoyment. when, actually, fashion and self presentation and cooking are simply human things. they can be sources of joy. this manga has told me that its okay to do things because i like them, forget gender.
