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This is a really shitty investigation, like you don't even have any evidence she's dead, n...

DomesticGriffin February 22, 2024 3:55 am

This is a really shitty investigation, like you don't even have any evidence she's dead, no blood or sign of struggle. No murder weapon, no one's even asked for MC's alibi.

The prince Knows this is a missing person's case, so its sus as hell that he's already jumped to "she's dead ill avenge her" rather than "she's missing I must find her."

And it's pretty shitty of the brother that he seems mad at MC for finding evidence implicating the prince, rather than being mad at the prince for hiding evidence and falsely accessing his family.

    Cokit February 22, 2024 4:06 am

    It seems the brother had a one sided crush on the saint