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I’m not taking sides but….

jangjangjang March 1, 2024 12:55 am

I’m just glad the author is addressing Hazuki’s insecurities with his relationship with Naoto and his role as a father. It was mentioned a couple of times in the last season but you don’t magically get over those insecurities unless addressed properly.

Why don’t people understand that Hazuki also needs time to slowly resolve his damn problems and insecurities just as Naoto has been healing for the past 5 seasons. (I know we can’t compare their past trauma and struggles but you know what I mean) (And Hazuki did say the wrong words there but we all know he didn’t mean it)

People hating on Hazuki just because he’s not the green flag ml they he thought he would be is so disappointing. The dude just went on a roller coaster ride throughout the series. Fell in love with Naoto during is last year of HS. Got him pregnant while in college. Starts working and studying at the same time while also taking care of his mate and their children. Then had another baby and continues to support became the breadwinner of the family. He is the epitome of a respectable and reaponsible person. Give the man some credit and give him a break. After that one mistake everyone was talking crap about him. He does deserve Naoto’s anger but at the same time he also needs understanding and assurance (cause honestly, Naoto’s not very good at giving this with all the secret and embarrassment thing going on). And people bringing up Shizuku and stuff, the bro loves the baby gurl as his own. All the hate as if he voluntarily and willingly hurt Naoto and Shizuku are all bullshit. It’s as if you guys never read the whole fucking series. Cut Hazuki some slack.

    JihoochiLee March 1, 2024 12:57 am

    I do agree since he did turned into a parent at a young age but it’s only right to take him into accountability for saying shit like that even if it’s in the heated moment. The commenters reactions are valid imo

    umu March 1, 2024 1:44 am
    I do agree since he did turned into a parent at a young age but it’s only right to take him into accountability for saying shit like that even if it’s in the heated moment. The commenters reactions are vali... JihoochiLee

    I agree, while it’s nice to not have an entirely green flag seme since it's good for characters to have flaws, everything he's done shouldnt justify him taking out his insecurities on naoto and hurting him. The point is he DID do an asshole thing, but it will serve to develop his character (through dealing with his over possessiveness and not being able to trust naoto) and their relationship. The commenters are mad because what he said was incredibly insensitive especially including naoto's trauma with rape, but I'm hoping his acknowledgement of his faults and an eventual heartfelt apology will strengthen his character and make him a more confident father

    JihoochiLee March 1, 2024 1:49 am
    I agree, while it’s nice to not have an entirely green flag seme since it's good for characters to have flaws, everything he's done shouldnt justify him taking out his insecurities on naoto and hurting him. T... umu

    True he’s been like this with the other omega guy too but they didn’t talk about it that much, it’s only a matter of time that they talked about his insecurity of naoto being close with other men. I fully understand that he’s not a complete green flag, but what he said is something hard to forgive since Naoto has been healing and those words could literally shatter his progress. Hopefully they both progress together.