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ryoryo March 1, 2024 7:54 am

i get that hazuki was just frustrated but that was kinda an ick,,,, just remember that the incident happened to naoto way before they met was nothing but the assaulter's fault ! THERE WILL BE NO RAPE IF THERE'S NO RAPISTS PERIODT.

    Anie March 1, 2024 8:21 am

    My teacher said otherwise, she thinks both are at fault because if you didn't "seduce" them then those abnormal guys won't rape you TwT

    Just ghost here March 1, 2024 8:46 am
    My teacher said otherwise, she thinks both are at fault because if you didn't "seduce" them then those abnormal guys won't rape you TwT Anie

    i say thats a dumb ass teacher, respectfully actually no fuck whoever said that

    Anie March 1, 2024 9:19 am
    i say thats a dumb ass teacher, respectfully actually no fuck whoever said that Just ghost here

    And if you were catcalled and you felt disgusted, it's your fault. She's an old one too (my teacher)

    ryoryo March 2, 2024 1:08 am
    And if you were catcalled and you felt disgusted, it's your fault. She's an old one too (my teacher) Anie

    oh i get that,,, old people's perception are much ig u can call it narrower in regards to sensitive topics... (also not all old ppl have this toxic mindset/close minded so yeh) but still that's totally not how shitty incidents works, it's basic human decency to have ur values and morals nd shit. ppl who disregard that (or basicaly unempathetic ppl that have no respect to other ppl) mostly does the most unexusable stuffs. IT IS NEVER AN EXCUSE TO ASSAULT SOMEONE. be it physically or mentally ://