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as a child i couldn’t exactly admit to others that i was into anime or manga, they would...

ten March 2, 2024 5:42 pm

as a child i couldn’t exactly admit to others that i was into anime or manga, they would probably make fun of me and call me weird for liking it. so as i grew up into a slightly older child and aot and everything else became popular, it made me feel warm inside. but also kind of irked that the same people who would make fun of me for liking anime and manga were now using it as a trend or to talk to their crush. this is why you don’t judge something without giving it a try first (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Lady Nightingale March 3, 2024 2:20 am

    That is so true! I remember being made fun of, a lot, when I was a kid.. those were really the dark times of my life
    ( ̄∇ ̄") back when I was a kid, I wasn't really timid at all but because of being made fun of and being teased by them, my confidence dropped. It made school a difficult place to be. Additionally, it was so lonely! Right now, I'm just glad kids won't have to go through that at all .. it's a beautiful time to be in