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Y’all slow asl

WeebofLevi March 3, 2024 5:30 pm

You bird brain, smooth brain ass bitches need to end it. “I feel kinda weird liking the 2nd male lead”. YOU SHOULD! That’s something you take to the grave. We didn’t need to know that.

Yes, Yul went through a lot of stuff; but that doesn’t excuse what he put the MC through. It’s like y’all not grasping the fact that he literally made her scared of men for YEARS! God forgive me, but sometimes when people say bird brain ass shit like this; I want them to experience the same thing. There’s not fucking way you’d actually stay with a guy like that.

Also, where tf in the story did the author romanticize their relationship? Nowhere throughout the story did I ever think shit was sweet. Literally 2nd chapter in you see how fucking wack she/he is. Y’all are fucking weirdos & that’s it. Y’all need therapy..He’s not quirky & a little crazy in the head. Bro traumatized her to the point where every time a man is near her she get’s scared.

Might I add; Yul never helped or saved her. Y'all smooth brained bitches talking about, “alL hE dID fOr HeR”, and “sHe TrEaTeD hIM lIkE tHiS”. His intentions was never to help her. Literally the last couple chapters tells you how he just wanted her to himself. Not once was his intentions good…

Whether or not you liked the blonde hair dude is up to you; however; saying she should’ve ended up with yul is insane. Personally I believe it was a perfect ending. He moved on and did his own thing..I do sympathize with him, but not to the point where I ignore what he did.
