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The translation is a bit off

hello_there March 5, 2024 12:19 pm

Thanks for the translation, however I'd suggest some proofreading and rephrasing.
The impression while reading 'till chapter 7 and 8 was to be reading a faulty machine translated text.

Some phrases that struck me as weird in ch8: "The house invited me in" instead of a more logical "I was invited in the house".
The ml saying "don't clean it", when he was clearly saying "don't hide it" (referring to the bulging during the sex scene ...what was there to clean in that moment?). Or, finally, the poorly formulated second conditional structure: he said smthg like "If I knew this, I do that" instead of "If I knew this, I would have done that".

English in not even my first language btw.
I usually don't critique translations this way, I know we are in a place, reading from this site, where beggars can't be choosers; but in this case the mistakes were so relevant to repeatedly distract me from the narrative, and ultimately stop me from reading in the earlier chapters, which is a pity.

I made my point, thank you for reading till here, I don't know why you did, you must be into English grammar ahah Have a good day
