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HarukaTenoh March 7, 2024 10:42 am

Waitt...i thought Youngae n Seokho just husband n wife on the paper..but ..hmm..ok. wonder Hyunwoo belongs to whom since they were talking about some secret revolving Hyunwoo?. Prob she's from Youngae's egg but Miyeon carry her in her womb?. twisted. In this case, poor Juha. Hope she end up with the hacker's friend ( cant remember her name). But the 1 grew up with Minsung. Anyone but Minsung. I really dont like Minsung. Bratty with mommy issue

    NotCool March 29, 2024 7:16 am

    We still do not know who the other parent of Hyunwoo is. But Miyeon lied to Youngea. Youngea and Hyunwoo do not share any genetics. Miyeon was just using Youngea. Miyeon had a plan from the start to hurt Youngea as much as possible. The story hints a bit that the other mother is Minsung. But I have no idea how that would make any sense.