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I’m sorry but this is another case of, “author not re-reading the beginning of the sto...

I love it March 9, 2024 4:15 am

I’m sorry but this is another case of, “author not re-reading the beginning of the story” like the stellar plot is completely lost….lost in the clouds

EDIT 24 dislikes and 7 likes later : y’all do NOT vibe with this opinion but hear me out: It used to be literal psychological thriller but no one remembers that cirrus fell for skylar last minute now their all fluff. What ever happens to skylar secretly being the cool guy at his old school but had to go on drugs and family literally had to MOVE and whenever he mentioned the past his mom DROPPED TO HER KNEES. What happened to the childhood friend that fucked it all up. What happened to Cirrus’s insane jealousy and creepy obsession that would have us on our last straw. THE BLACKMAIL, SEXUAL HARASSMENT WAS INSANEE I remember being on the EDGE of my seat when Skylar would have an outburst revealing that he was more then a weirdo staler cry baby. But his loser persona/ secretly, « cool guy » persona is jsut become average high schoolers….two highschooolees in love…again which is fine, and yeah it could be jsut a break from the main plot but the events jsut don’t line up the way they could have had their been less fan service. That’s jsut my opinion tho clearly not the same for y’all

    Mx.woo March 9, 2024 3:30 am

    Man shut up

    Meru21 March 9, 2024 3:33 am

    In what sense? Skylar had a thing for the orange haired guy, Cirrus found out, sorta blackmailed him but fell for him. Skylar got to know Cirrus and sorta fell for him. Skylar has issues, Cirrus has issues, they got together and here we are... we're just in the first stages of the relationship and most authors use that for a break in the main plot to give the readers (and themselves) some break from major drama before bringing it all back up again. At some point, Skylar's family is gonna find out and Cirrus's will too. Im sure Candy will die before then, but that's probably where the drama will peak.

    carrot March 9, 2024 3:34 am

    sounds like you’re upset the characters actually have depth..?

    March 9, 2024 3:38 am

    bros mad at character development and character depth. Stg yall always mad at some shit

    DaeWae March 9, 2024 3:40 am

    Love how u got ratioed with the likes and comments

    pyong March 9, 2024 3:45 am

    reread the story then come back b4 u start talking bullshit

    I love it March 9, 2024 3:55 am

    LOLL why are y’all so mad sm1 has a different opinion, ik y’all are lying bc their no wayyy. There was so much depth to every character and so much plot, angst, emotion etc. Like cirrus was built to be this crazy psychotic dude literally BLAKCMAILING and sexually HARASSING and we all truly felt connected with whatever was going on. Now it’s jsut anither fluff BL where everyone jsut forgot what had happened. Don’t get me wrong it’s cute but so much untapped potential… maybe it’ll pick up but idk

    I love it March 9, 2024 4:01 am
    In what sense? Skylar had a thing for the orange haired guy, Cirrus found out, sorta blackmailed him but fell for him. Skylar got to know Cirrus and sorta fell for him. Skylar has issues, Cirrus has issues, the... Meru21

    It was more then blackmail it was literally psychological thriller but no one remembers that he fell for him last minute now their all fluff. What ever happens to cirrus secretly being the cool guy at his old school but had to go on drugs and family literally had to MOVE. What happened to the childhood friend that fucked it up. What happened to Cirrus’s insane jealousy and creepy obsession that would have us on our last straw …now it’s jsut love…again which is fine, and yeah it could be jsut a break but the events jsut don’t line up the way they could have had their been less fan service

    Roseanne March 9, 2024 4:33 am

    I don't see the issue with the way the story is paced? the plot is heavy in general cuz it unpacks the Mcs traumas. so it's a nice break to have them have a little "honeymoon phase" before smth bad happens. you have to remember the characters are kids so it's nice that she makes them act silly and lighthearted so it makes them more dimensional and it's only been 3 chapters since s3 started, you can't say the plot is lost when the season just started.

    Meru21 March 9, 2024 4:40 am

    I understand where you're coming from. Also, I wasn't bashing your opinion so I'm sorry if it came off that way. I was genuinely curious why you thought that way. I know most people who disagree attack others, but I promise I'm not here to do that.
    I do disagree up to a point. It was hella dramatic in the beginning. I think it's just the calm before the storm. It's a pattern for most writers to do. It will address all those issues, I'm sure, when Skylars parents find out somehow that he's dating a boy and isn't trying to curtail his homosexuality. After all, he went to a psych ward for it, so I'm sure that it's not going to be pleasant at all. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Cirrus and he get close, then Candy dies, then something big happens with his stepmother again, then Skylars mom finds out and they run away for a short period. Cirrus still comes off as an obsessive, compulsive boy, but I think he's trying to curb that to be what he thinks Skylar wants. He's got some serious abandonment issues, so now that they're dating, I think Cirrus is going to go a little insane in order to keep Skylar. I would just keep reading. It's only the start of the second season. I highly doubt that it will change so drastically to lose all plot points. The author is just setting the mood and giving us all a reprieve before the shit hits the fan again.

    Meru21 March 9, 2024 4:42 am
    Man shut up Mx.woo

    You don't have to like or agree with an opinion, but at least be respectful.

    Meru21 March 9, 2024 4:43 am
    reread the story then come back b4 u start talking bullshit pyong

    Opinions aren't bullshit. You can dislike and disagree with them, but at least be respectful. Don't attack someone for not thinking the same way you do.

    pyong March 9, 2024 5:28 am
    It was more then blackmail it was literally psychological thriller but no one remembers that he fell for him last minute now their all fluff. What ever happens to cirrus secretly being the cool guy at his old ... I love it

    the story is rlly behind on this site, there is more coming up and i highly doubt it’s going to be all fluff. look at raws b4 typing all this

    pyong March 9, 2024 5:31 am
    Opinions aren't bullshit. You can dislike and disagree with them, but at least be respectful. Don't attack someone for not thinking the same way you do. Meru21

    there r some opinions that r bullshit, unfortunately.

    I love it March 9, 2024 6:11 am
    I understand where you're coming from. Also, I wasn't bashing your opinion so I'm sorry if it came off that way. I was genuinely curious why you thought that way. I know most people who disagree attack others, ... Meru21

    omg thanks for opening up a discussion w me. There’s hope that not everyone is brain dead unlike the rest of these replies bc wtf, it’s not like this is an official website..the author is never going to see my criticisms lol. Anyways, okay ur comment was the convincing I needed. It’s been like almost a year since I haven’t been exited about the updates since it’s been looking dull( for me personally) but ur right these are definitely possibilities that I didn’t think abt. I was jsut noticing we were getting close to 100 chapters and these type manga usually end around then so I thought it would jsut be more of the same..which would be so sad. But ur right this is probably calm before storm

    I love it March 9, 2024 6:14 am
    there r some opinions that r bullshit, unfortunately. pyong

    You could say this about political or ethical opinions but this is just a comment on an illegal website about a BL manga plot… just expressing what I’m noticing and seeing if others have a discussion to open abt it…let’s relax on the big words

    I love it March 9, 2024 6:16 am
    I don't see the issue with the way the story is paced? the plot is heavy in general cuz it unpacks the Mcs traumas. so it's a nice break to have them have a little "honeymoon phase" before smth bad happens. yo... Roseanne

    No this is valid. I didn’t think abt it as honey moon faze since it’s been almost a year since an interesting upload( in my humble opinion) but I think y’all are onto something wig this so looking forward to it

    pyong March 9, 2024 6:58 am
    You could say this about political or ethical opinions but this is just a comment on an illegal website about a BL manga plot… just expressing what I’m noticing and seeing if others have a discussion to ope... I love it

    was in a sour mood when i wrote this , forgive me im on my period this shit got me tweaking (´༎ρ༎`) but ya i see what you mean by the pacing, however it’s refreshing when coming to the beginning of the new season before the author heads right back into the darker stuff. like i said the uploads on this site is very behind, i’m trying not 2 spoil but all i can saw is dw the plot didn’t get ruined and exciting stuff is happening

    Meru21 March 9, 2024 8:32 am
    was in a sour mood when i wrote this , forgive me im on my period this shit got me tweaking (´༎ρ༎`) but ya i see what you mean by the pacing, however it’s refreshing when coming to the beginning of the ... pyong

    Dang, girl, you shouldn't let your period dictate your emotions like that. I get them pretty bad and have major pain from chronic illnesses, but thats no excuse really. And I'm not judging you or trying to criticize. I know how hard it can be, trust me. Just saying that it's not good for you to irritate yourself like that. It can actually make the symptoms worse, which heaven knows we don't need.
    About the bullshit thing. I do agree that some opinions are bs. Like people think the earth is flat, of that being gay is a mental disorder. I don't think this one qualifies. Lol. I do hope you feel better. Heating pads, birth control (if you have it), an iron pill, and lots of water!

    fenisme March 9, 2024 9:18 am
    LOLL why are y’all so mad sm1 has a different opinion, ik y’all are lying bc their no wayyy. There was so much depth to every character and so much plot, angst, emotion etc. Like cirrus was built to be this... I love it

    its literally just been 2 chapters of them being fluffy.. dw u will get ur angst and possessive cirrus in the next chapters cause the kr version already has 98 chapters released and it's not all lovey dovey