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Icesyh March 12, 2024 1:43 pm

people wanted drama, i do too, so i don't really mind the additional new characters (except for the ped* tutor), HOWEVER, it is tiring to see that with all the misunderstandings/fights that had happen,, both of them chose to talk to other people instead of to each other first??

But then again i get it, they are 21 lol

    Icesyh March 12, 2024 1:49 pm

    Oh and maybe im the only one, but natsuki minding some stranger's business is kind of contradicting his previous personality,, like idk??

    Just ghost here March 12, 2024 2:04 pm

    i was gonna say, i havent read this story for a long time but i read natsuki saying “hes meeting his first” i thought either first love or first sex but i was like if its first sex that fuckin pedophilic cuz shes his tutor and my worst fears is right its a pedophilic tutor oml bruh, am i evil that i kinda want the girl to suffer the worst cuz i dont really stand pedo actions for any reason ever

    Just ghost here March 12, 2024 2:06 pm
    i was gonna say, i havent read this story for a long time but i read natsuki saying “hes meeting his first” i thought either first love or first sex but i was like if its first sex that fuckin pedophilic cu... Just ghost here

    sorry wrong comment

    FlameGreyWolf March 12, 2024 6:37 pm
    Oh and maybe im the only one, but natsuki minding some stranger's business is kind of contradicting his previous personality,, like idk?? Icesyh

    I think it is different! Because while most people take a more direct approach like Kurisu, Alex. Noriyasu may be the first exception but he's more of a friend that Natsuki has been getting along fine with.

    This is the first time that says, if you encounter someone that you feel you connect with due to an experience that you had during your teenage angst for example, this is a bit different when you're bothered by how you are reminded of yourself in your youth and how things could have been better or look up IF someone was there for you and now it's the time to be that someone for your younger self?? Idk am I getting to the point lol

    Icesyh March 12, 2024 7:17 pm
    I think it is different! Because while most people take a more direct approach like Kurisu, Alex. Noriyasu may be the first exception but he's more of a friend that Natsuki has been getting along fine with. Thi... FlameGreyWolf

    I get ur point, but it is funny now that i think abt it. Cause' hes all tsundere with noriyasu and suddenly, hes helping an angsty teenager ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    FlameGreyWolf March 13, 2024 12:15 am
    I get ur point, but it is funny now that i think abt it. Cause' hes all tsundere with noriyasu and suddenly, hes helping an angsty teenager ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Icesyh

    Ikr!! But he comes through with Noriyasu when he was crushing hard on Towa.