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confusing story

Prim March 12, 2024 3:45 pm

This story is really confusing bcs there's a lot going on, but looking at this at an otome game player pov; it's quite interesting, MC has different dynamics with each Male lead but she gets kind of annoying and seems dumb at certain scenes. If the plot was narrowed down a bit and not too much all over the place this would be so good.

I'm just confused at the part where the "readers" can comment bcs like is it happening in real time? If so, the story is already done on their end, right? Or is it like a live kinda way where the Mc is doing her part of the story and the readers just follow.

    ... March 19, 2024 4:07 am

    I think it’s life. That’s why the comments appear as soon as she acts.