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Mortal March 13, 2024 6:40 am

Look I have never ever in my whole life felt so uncomfortable reading. I have been reading bls almost for 2 years now and I have heard the story of "sand castle". But I have never read something like this... This story was a very good read. I felt like crying(i even cried).. The thing is..both the characters are trash, toxic. They deserved what happened to them.
Uke was already toxic and shit and so was the seme but the way they treated each other was.. Yknow like eye for a eye... I don't know what to say about it. Like it was sort of revenge but not revenge too(?) what seme did was equally bad and the Uke was pretty bad and toxic too.. I love the way they started things over and got appreciative of their love. What seme did was a result of his parents behavior towards him and I pity him for that but it doesn't justify his actions. But for Uke I don't know his was.. Very rude.. It might seem he was all innocent and stuff but to me he was very rude(?) I don't know how to feel about his story really
