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sooooooo boring

renbean March 13, 2024 5:32 pm

i'm bored to death i cant believe we wait 10 days every time for...this like at least at the beginning the plot was moving forward. ever since they went to america or whatever the plot has been moving at a LITERAL snails pace like pls.... no one CARES about jaekyung's fights or him and jumin's little bitch battle idk why i keep coming back to check on this trash but it's literally getting so bad? and why do jaekyung's abs look like ice cubes square ass mfs the author's drawings have been losing quality too bc tell me why i laugh every time jaekyung looks angry. his only good trait is that he's handsome but whenever she draws him with an expression other than a neutral face he looks SO UGLY

it's not even interesting from an abuse victim standpoint anymore bc dan has NO character substance or personality. there are no attempts made to even flesh out his character and atp it's just. so. BORING. like 10 days and this is the best shit you can come up with....girl just throw the whole thing away
