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Okay so I just read the whole thing that's available. 100% gonna call it that all three re...

ope1965 March 16, 2024 9:06 am

Okay so I just read the whole thing that's available. 100% gonna call it that all three remember the future.
Jinwoon despite being an asshole in the future really didn't deserve what Hayeon did to him. Reject the boy properly ffs if literally nothing else.
I really hate Yihan tho. Obsessive asshole who only wants Hayeon to idk rebel against his dad or somethin. Allowing the person you "love" to feel that guilty that they completely subvert their entire personality, dreams, needs, etc, for you? Nah bruh that ain't it. I'd be fucking horrified if I even *suspected* my partner was doing that for me and I'd seriously sit down and ask if I had done something to make them feel so burdened.
Hayeon pisses me off the most tho.
Tbh I hope he ends up with Yihan bc those two deserve each other. Jinwoon, go find someone better.

    Rin March 21, 2024 8:12 am

    Ya JW should find someone else. But he won't coz the purpose of yaoi is to either create shit MLs or simp MLs, they don't have any in betweens.