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yeah i just had a sneak peak

cheska143 March 17, 2024 6:33 pm

the art style do seem downgraded, not a bit but a lot. but regarding the story is it worth reading???

    Hattiert April 6, 2024 5:06 pm

    Yes, I’m also disappointed with the new generic art style, but I love the story so I let it slide. I vote yes! You should give it a try.

    cheska143 April 7, 2024 2:16 pm

    thanks!! I've been waiting fir an answer

    Hattiert April 8, 2024 3:00 am
    thanks!! I've been waiting fir an answer cheska143

    You’re welcome! You get the joy of binge reading! I love when I find a good story I can binge on. Beware……there are a group of chapters that had horrible translations. When you get to those, read them on CoffeeManga (that’s my go-to site). They usually don’t allow that junk on that site. You have to put up with some ads, but it’s just for the bad TLs so it’s worth it.
    PS…’s just a few ads, not like the the obnoxious sites.