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The ML angry at the mc for getting fooled by the younger celebrity guy. The real question ...

JayJay (I'm back!) March 20, 2024 7:15 pm

The ML angry at the mc for getting fooled by the younger celebrity guy. The real question would be, does he have a right to be angry at the "unequal treatment"? Well, if we talk from the emotional side, it's definitely a HUGE "no," but it's different if we're talking about his duties as a professional manager: from that perspective, the ML is at least right in one thing, that the mc works for him now, he's the one paying the mc's salary now, so the mc has no business wasting time with another celebrity, anymore. The mc accepted the ML's offer knowing it's a full time, exclusive job, that demands that his exclusive attention be given to just ONE single celeb at a time, but many times he ditched the celeb he was getting paid to take care of (and to accompany to events) in order to go see what the younger guy wanted or needed. It's obvious that the younger guy planned to keep calling him to his side with petty excuses and, if this kept on, it would end up causing the mc to really start neglecting his *current* job. (I mean... even if the mc had a boyfriend or girlfriend, he would still give any employer fair reason to fire him if he keep ditching the celeb he's working with, in order to go see what his lover wanted, each and every time the lover texted him!"

    belsefar March 21, 2024 10:35 am

    sorry I meant to dislike

    belsefar March 21, 2024 10:54 am

    MC only “ditched” ML twice. The first time he made sure to drive ML home before going back and talking to Hanyeoul. Second time, also made sure to take care of ML first before planning to take care of Hanyeoul (which he was unsuccessful at because ML would not let him return). ML does not own MC or deserve to monopolize his time just because he pays him a salary. By that logic my boss can call me at midnight and get mad I’m out hanging with my friends.

    JayJay (I'm back!) March 21, 2024 5:51 pm
    MC only “ditched” ML twice. The first time he made sure to drive ML home before going back and talking to Hanyeoul. Second time, also made sure to take care of ML first before planning to take care of Hanye... belsefar

    Nope, read again. wrong of both accounts. I'm talking about chapter 15 and chapter 21. In chapter 15, the ML drove himself home because the mc wanted to "meet up with a friend" (managers are usually charged with getting the celebrity safely home in Korea, you know, because of stalkers etc?). Second time, in chapter 21, while still at the event the MC stopped answering calls from the celebrity he was accompanying, in order to go play hero for the younger guy, while STILL AT THE EVENT. I'm not that fond of the ML but I still see that the mc is slowly but surely letting himself be at the beck and call of a manipulative junior that isn't even paying him a cent.

    JayJay (I'm back!) March 21, 2024 5:57 pm
    Nope, read again. wrong of both accounts. I'm talking about chapter 15 and chapter 21. In chapter 15, the ML drove himself home because the mc wanted to "meet up with a friend" (managers are usually charged wit... JayJay (I'm back!)

    For reference about the manager job

    "Many of you guys probably already know. The hardest part about being an idol or celebrity manager is the crazy work schedule. Especially road managers, who have to travel everywhere with the celebrities, work early morning to late night. Many of the times, they have to be ready before the celebrities are and end the day after dropping them off at home, so they might even work longer hours than them."