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I don’t get why people don’t understand her running away from and her other actions. ...

Ribonne March 21, 2024 7:54 pm

I don’t get why people don’t understand her running away from and her other actions. It’s obvious that, while he did not kill the guy directly, he knew the ambush would happen and did nothing to prevent it. In the end he was always jealous of Dietrich and he, in some level, knows that. Dietrich himself might not even want to remember cuz he has Leony now. To our fl, she got betrayed yet again and lied to, and she knows Wilhelm is dangerous to boot. I was also in the hate fl boat until I carefully read it all. Personally I love her character, it’s the point of “when there’s revenge and betrayal just how much can a person tolerate before reaching a breaking point?” And I find that fascinating.

    Ribonne March 21, 2024 8:01 pm

    I dont approve of her treatment of the child but it’s what actually happens in reality. When she was first pregnant she discovered her lover broke his promise and lied to her face, her friend/first love didn’t remember her meaning her only link to her happy childhood days were given and taken from her in the span of 2 minutes (having him back did give her hope btw which hurts even more when it’s taken again from you). Months without a person nearby to actually understand her pain, all while pumped on hormones, hoping against hope for a hand. Willheim represents that hand, only to show to her again his true colours as he feels no happiness over seeing the man he wanted dead alive. Then the shock which led to premature birth. Need I say more? Ofc she hated the baby. Ofc she also loved it cuz if she had then she’d have fell from the stairs. He went there and basically cornered her, now she has to look at it for her whole life. I don’t condone it. There’s professional help for the poor mothers who suffer this. But it’s the Middle Ages. The fact that you hate her for being human and flawed as we all are is childish and pitiful.