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It was so beautiful I'm crying TT hoped to see their daughter Lea being born again but sti...

nimonomino March 22, 2024 10:26 am

It was so beautiful I'm crying TT hoped to see their daughter Lea being born again but still no regrets.

The fact that their only good childhood memory with their parents were forged by each other. His memory with his parents taking a stroll around the garden everyday was one of the comforting things to him which was made up by Leah. Also Leah's only good memory with her father was him patting her head when she caught a cold which wasn't truly her father but Julian. It was the only affectionate memory with her father that kept her happy and made it unable for her to hate her father completely. They were always each others source of comfort, from the beginning, until the very end.

They finally had their happy ending after living 243 lives! Can't imagine how it must've been for him to live that many of lives, watching the love of his life die in front of him every time, unable to stop it from happening no matter how hard he tried and getting through it alone. How lonely it must've been for him to live on after her death in every life. He's strong for staying sane after all of that.

It was such a good read. Didn't really expect much and went into it blindly but it exceeded my expectation. It was so heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time<3
