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Ladies, theydies, and gentlemen.....we got him!!!

usagichan March 22, 2024 5:56 pm

Choi Yitae shows up first in a couple of panels of chapter 54, leaning on Woojin after they were fighting while him, Yitae, and Ho In were all in high school! Apparently they all went to the same high school, but Yitae was in a different class than Ho In and Woojin!

His first memorable appearance is in chapter 59, where he's on a "date" with Woojin (it's not officially a date because Woojin won't be honest with his feelings, lmaooo). He's sulking about Woojin fussing over Ho In being mad at him and not answering his phone instead of paying attention to him (Yitae).
