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Milena’s unfinished business

RenRen March 23, 2024 5:51 am

Tao (scary lady wolf) is probably what’s left of Milena’s ruthless in-laws family (Bexan’s mom). Went back to look at her backstory and her dead husband, Pei, has the same cold blue eyes as Tao. They probably share the same affinity for crazy too since he killed Milena’s entire family to single her out, so she took revenge and did the same to his. Maybe she missed one, maybe Tao was the youngest sibling. Wonder if Milena will be the one to end it all or is it time for the young generation to step up. If Bexan comes back he’s gonna be involved in an absolute bloodbath

    sonya March 26, 2024 5:33 am

    Yeah bc why else would the Techichi boss lady mention that Milena killed all except one of Pei’s siblings in the earlier side story chapters? There’s probably gonna be a confrontation between Tao and Milena later on

    RenRen March 27, 2024 5:15 am
    Yeah bc why else would the Techichi boss lady mention that Milena killed all except one of Pei’s siblings in the earlier side story chapters? There’s probably gonna be a confrontation between Tao and Milena... sonya

    Yes! I hope this is a way to bring Bexan back into the story. Ein and Leto have SO MUCH side drama and suspense that it makes the first couple's story seems so simple and forgettable.....Like the only climax is Bexan finding his mom??? Then rejecting it and back to Japan to live peacefully as a doggie model??? Too easy lol! Poor Ein and Leto cannot catch a break!