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Can i be completely honest? 😭 as a novel reader i don't really like the art style?? I m...

pikamin March 24, 2024 8:24 am

Can i be completely honest? as a novel reader i don't really like the art style?? I mean it's decent but it feels kinda underwhelming? the novel is phenomenal, the world building, the writing are close to perfect, it has so many layers and it deserves art that actually captures the darkness of the story itself. The art feels way too lighthearted, when the plot isn't in the slightest and I seriously wonder how are they gonna show some of the extremely disturbing scenes from the novel. Well, that's just my opinion but when i heard manga adaptation i thought of something like Lost In the Cloud quality (that's on me for assuming lmao). Still im gonna keep reading cause i want to see how it goes further, I just wanted to share my opinion no one's obligated to agree with it or to pay it any mind ijbol

    Izzie March 26, 2024 11:29 pm

    I felt the exact same way. I thought it should atleast have love history's standard of art. They could have added so much more imagery and stuff here. The art is incredibly underwhelming for a story as interesting as healer. Smuts get such good artists yet healer only got this. Disappointed

    Shiz April 12, 2024 4:22 pm

    The art DID NOT do any justice to how good this story is