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As an adult in a kids body you have the power to turn this around!

AFTER EIGHT March 24, 2024 1:04 pm

Indeed you are the adult as you say. If everybody hates him how does this help his credibility and development to adulthood. this may turn out to be, either self hate and self destruction or the hate and destruction towards others. Either way, the kid is left to feel unwanted and alone with nothing to gain.

    Leiyanna the fujoshi March 24, 2024 1:54 pm

    While I agree, I feel, even if I were an adult in a transmigration story stuck in a child's body that it rly isnt my responsibility to extend an olive branch to a rude kid. Fr, Yeonie can extend her patience and not lash out but she isn't the adult here, she does not have a responsibility to 'fix him' or 'discipline' him. She doesn't owe him anything.

    In the first place, its so weird and whack Ryu turned out this way. Outside of the wuxia, kids don't necessarily become mean just because they're still learning empathy. Its all about the environment they were raised in and I'd rather pivot your points to his parents who clearly failed him. His father seems aware that his son's a douche and is remorseful enough to scold him but his mother seems lenient and having a pride-filled family due to their rich history is not gonna work in his favor.

    Ion know ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ let the kid cook I guess lol

    AFTER EIGHT March 24, 2024 2:02 pm
    While I agree, I feel, even if I were an adult in a transmigration story stuck in a child's body that it rly isnt my responsibility to extend an olive branch to a rude kid. Fr, Yeonie can extend her patience an... Leiyanna the fujoshi

    Hate breeds hate. Love and kindness goes a long way regardless of whom it's from. It doesn't always come from family. Thanks for your response.

    Gris March 24, 2024 2:22 pm
    Hate breeds hate. Love and kindness goes a long way regardless of whom it's from. It doesn't always come from family. Thanks for your response. AFTER EIGHT

    It might be weird to say this but I love you

    AFTER EIGHT March 24, 2024 2:26 pm
    It might be weird to say this but I love you Gris

    Bless! Thank you!

    Leiyanna the fujoshi March 25, 2024 7:20 am
    Hate breeds hate. Love and kindness goes a long way regardless of whom it's from. It doesn't always come from family. Thanks for your response. AFTER EIGHT

    Oh fr, dude! Ion think Yeon hates Ryu and I don't think it would be fair to hate on kids generally, they're not much aware of the world and have a long way to go especially if you're the transmigrated adult in the story ^^ I might have just become jaded and fs Yeon's trying her best and your words are always a great reminder to be decent. Appreciate the chill response back love the Zero pfp btw, brings me back to childhood memory lane. Stay cool, stay safe (●'◡'●)ノ

    AFTER EIGHT March 25, 2024 10:13 am
    Oh fr, dude! Ion think Yeon hates Ryu and I don't think it would be fair to hate on kids generally, they're not much aware of the world and have a long way to go especially if you're the transmigrated adult in ... Leiyanna the fujoshi

    My apology, l did not mean for my reply to seem frosty. Thanks for being so understanding. Wishing you the very best through life.