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A stupid girl.

MACAROONS March 25, 2024 8:02 am

MC's such a doormat. Why are you going back to the one who hurt you? So dumb. Myghad

    Vincent's wife March 25, 2024 9:14 am

    where else could she go?

    MACAROONS March 25, 2024 9:31 am
    where else could she go? Vincent's wife

    Anywhere. Or just kill her self. Even the other comments are mad at her for going back at him and they are also mad with the trashy male lead.

    AceCat March 25, 2024 11:09 am
    Anywhere. Or just kill her self. Even the other comments are mad at her for going back at him and they are also mad with the trashy male lead. MACAROONS

    Are you serious you'd rather she kill herself even if this isn't a real person what the actual fuck is wrong with you.

    MACAROONS March 25, 2024 11:41 am
    Are you serious you'd rather she kill herself even if this isn't a real person what the actual fuck is wrong with you. AceCat

    What? It's not even real characters why would you compare it with real life situation. Gosh, are you one of those defends a character created by imagination? I bet you are. You're coming at me when I saw some of those also want that she shouldn't go back or kill herself since he became possessive. Would you like her suffer there again and feel like she wish she was dead? Lol. Cursing at me when I didn't curse you.

    Anyways, I won't entertain anyone's comment on my post. Have a good day, Karen.

    MACAROONS March 25, 2024 11:42 am
    What? It's not even real characters why would you compare it with real life situation. Gosh, are you one of those defends a character created by imagination? I bet you are. You're coming at me when I saw some o... MACAROONS


    Vincent's wife March 25, 2024 3:16 pm
    Anywhere. Or just kill her self. Even the other comments are mad at her for going back at him and they are also mad with the trashy male lead. MACAROONS

    well that's just how the story goes, the author made it that way. I don't like the ML too. however, I believe FL still values her life, she has her maid to keep her living.

    MACAROONS March 25, 2024 3:31 pm
    well that's just how the story goes, the author made it that way. I don't like the ML too. however, I believe FL still values her life, she has her maid to keep her living. Vincent's wife

    Someone who gets my opinion. Finally! Yeah sadly that's how it's gotta play. Yep, the male lead might torture the maid and ask for her whereabouts if that happen. Thanks!

    JulyInAugust April 23, 2024 12:57 pm
    What? It's not even real characters why would you compare it with real life situation. Gosh, are you one of those defends a character created by imagination? I bet you are. You're coming at me when I saw some o... MACAROONS

    I agree with them. Something is wrong with you. No matter if the characters are fictional, your suspension of disbelief should allow you to have empathy nonetheless. Thinking someone should just kill themselves is pretty unhinged no matter the context.
    I do so all the time too because I project my own depression on the characters, so I actually use those thoughts to know if my current medication is working.

    You felt personally attacked by the "what the fuck is wrong with you" so much that you became aggressive and insulted them (Karen make no sense as an insult in this context btw). But why did their comment create such an emotional response ? It shouldn't have. You don't have to answer but could you think about it ?

    MACAROONS April 23, 2024 10:26 pm
    I agree with them. Something is wrong with you. No matter if the characters are fictional, your suspension of disbelief should allow you to have empathy nonetheless. Thinking someone should just kill themselves... JulyInAugust

    Hi. Just to inform you that this discussion is already over.

    And fyi, they can say, "what's wrong with you" not "what the FUCK is wrong with you". I have to say that's clearly rude. I have empathy towards the character that's why I made my opinion that she could have killed herself to be freed from him because no matter where she go, he will find him. And for me, that's the best way to get away from a crazy person. It's just like why they have to argue such lengths to the point of being rude to the person you argue with. If for you isn't insult then that's on you. They just commented here like that. If only, they could approach the subject with such manner like the other comment above then I would also do the same.

    For fictional characters, again, that's on you if you project yourself to the character's situation or feel, but I hope that you do not dwell into projecting your depression on the characters too much. They might have a negative impact if you do that all the time, you can try other options checking your emotions or signs that your medicine is working. And I, have depression and anxiety too, but I'm not on medication nor I have visit a psychiatrist once. This is just purely suggestion. I'm not forcing you to try it out.

    And lastly, if you don't agree with my opinion then you can just ignore it and just share opinion by posting it on the comment section. That's all. Have a nice day.

    MACAROONS April 23, 2024 10:29 pm

    This is the last time that I will reply here.

    Ana May 25, 2024 10:13 am
    This is the last time that I will reply here. MACAROONS

    I’m not readin all dat

    JulyInAugust May 25, 2024 10:51 am
    Hi. Just to inform you that this discussion is already over. And fyi, they can say, "what's wrong with you" not "what the FUCK is wrong with you". I have to say that's clearly rude. I have empathy towards the c... MACAROONS

    Yeah, I can tell you aren't on medication, that was one of my points that you missed. Anyway same, the discussion ends here for me too since you didn't understand what I was saying at all anyway.