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i always knew kallisto was best boy

daddyrie March 26, 2024 8:20 am

it’s so funny seeing everyone jumping with joy now that kallisto is back, i remember how so many people hated the fact that he was the ML a few years ago when he was first introduced and everyone loved eclise back then. how times have changed

    Sonadow2865 March 27, 2024 12:25 am

    Oh! I remember this too. I think I previously stopped at the trail after the assassination. At the time I wrote a comment that was a little creeped out by Eclise since it seemed like he was going to be manipulative to get what he wanted. I also wrote that I thought Kallisto was endgame because he was the hardest in original hard mode. Hardest to win over, but the first to fall in love hard! So glad that I'm right!

    ganberry March 27, 2024 10:22 am

    Lmao yes fr no one wanted him to be ML when they're all introduced. It was really good writing for the author to turn things around and make him the most likeable from the most hated. I still remember trying to defend him so much especially for those who wanted to drop the manhwa without spoiling lol

    daddyrie March 27, 2024 3:10 pm
    Oh! I remember this too. I think I previously stopped at the trail after the assassination. At the time I wrote a comment that was a little creeped out by Eclise since it seemed like he was going to be manipula... Sonadow2865

    i didn’t even think about it, you’re right, the love interest who seems the most difficult and at odds with the mc is usually the ML. i should’ve guessed just from that. i assumed he was ML because of kallisto’s implied dark backstory, it made him and penelope seem tailor-made for each other since they had similar stories. eclise bothered me from his introduction too, he seemed very fake and too servile to penelope to the point it was questionable. there was no way he’d witness his homeland being destroyed and then become a slave just to quietly settle with penelope. i was not surprised at all that he turned out to be a yandere

    daddyrie March 27, 2024 3:12 pm
    Lmao yes fr no one wanted him to be ML when they're all introduced. It was really good writing for the author to turn things around and make him the most likeable from the most hated. I still remember trying to... ganberry

    i hear you, i didn’t even know the spoilers back then but i felt like there was more to him than meets the eyes when he was first introduced and so i felt like the only one rooting for him as ML back then lol