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Looks like Youngae wont tell Juha just yet

HarukaTenoh March 28, 2024 7:33 am

Probably bcoz she knew Juha's hardheaded personality, she wouldnt tell Juha about Miyeon & Minsung just yet. But i cant wait to see Minsung's face. Still calm as usual?. Wonder if geniuses like Minsung are good at reading people's personality too?. Is switching on /off her high functioning ability to hack really can switch her persona or its all just an act?.

    NotCool March 29, 2024 7:19 am

    Youngea thought that Juha knew. When Youngea discovers the truth she even tries to make Minsung tell Juha the truth. Minsung does not tell her, ever. Minsung is a coward and asshole. If Juha ends up with Minsung again I will write a very nasty letter to the author.