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ML is not the worst, but not the white knight author is trying to paint him as.

Witchery March 28, 2024 7:52 am

ML is not the worst, but definitely not the white knight author is trying to paint him as. He wants a contract wife who will keep up appearances, give birth to and care for his dead fiancée’s children, and have sex whenever he wants, only to leave once the last kid is “weaned”? Does he expect her to carry, give birth to, nurse, and care for those kids without getting attached at all when she has to leave? I get that she’s in a desperate spot and he will pay her a lot of money to do it, but this is precisely how surrogacy exploits poor women. She may be getting a lot of money, but she will be put through a lot, and may even suffer complications from it.
It’s ironic that he praises her selflessness so much, because the only people who would take such a deal are greedy opportunists or people in a desperate situation. He looks down on the former, but he’s basically exploiting her situation knowing full well that she really doesn’t have any better options (regardless of whether she actually likes him). She will wreck her body and put in years of emotional and physical work to raise the kids, only to get tossed out at the end once she’s served her purpose as an incubator. And you know he’ll expect her to be a good affectionate mom to those kids and then tell her she knew what she signed up for when she doesn’t want to lose them after being their mother for years.
Don’t even get me started on the sex thing. If sex whenever he wants it is mandated in the contract, how is that different than being a prostitute with a single client? It crosses the line. Also, it pisses me off that he just paid off the guy that bought her as if that “saved” her. Slavery is f#cking illegal. His friend bought a kidnapped woman from the mafia to use for sex. If he was a half decent person he would have reported him to the cops, which could maybe even get the entire human trafficking ring shut down as well. He goes on about protecting her from the mafia, but he’s rich and powerful enough that he could have reported it without fear for his safety. In the meantime Dennis is probably buying more women and the whole process is just repeating out of his sight. He’s afraid of a scandal at most.
He even leverages her fear of the mafia when he’s trying to get her to agree to the marriage contract. He’s honestly an opportunist who isn’t a total piece of shot and threw her some generous scraps (at least to him) as an apology for the misunderstanding. That money is a lot to her, but nothing to him. It’s not like he sacrificed much to make it right. He’s rich enough that he can just tell the secretary to take care of the medical bills and forget about it. I’m not saying it isn’t a kind act, but it requires zero thought, exertion, or loss for him to do so,
