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...... you broke up with him because you wanted him to have a heterosexual family? dude! i...

BelladonnaDeadlyNightshade March 29, 2024 6:50 am

...... you broke up with him because you wanted him to have a heterosexual family? dude! it is called adoption! you can have kids. and some peeps don't want kids. a family can be anyone or anything. buy him a puppy, there you go ya got a kid, a fur baby! argh! someone punch our main in the head since his brain is broken!

    Yaya March 29, 2024 11:19 am

    I am ot sure how it is nowadays, but last time I checked smth about that, in japan you cant adopt children being a single parent and they dont allow homosexual marriage, so that wouldnt be an option

    Yaya March 29, 2024 11:19 am
    I am ot sure how it is nowadays, but last time I checked smth about that, in japan you cant adopt children being a single parent and they dont allow homosexual marriage, so that wouldnt be an option Yaya


    Yaya March 29, 2024 11:27 am

    Plus, iirc, surrogate pregnancy isnt used either. Not because law forbids it, but instead because obstetricians dont do it nor condone the practice.

    Yaya March 29, 2024 11:37 am
    I am ot sure how it is nowadays, but last time I checked smth about that, in japan you cant adopt children being a single parent and they dont allow homosexual marriage, so that wouldnt be an option Yaya

    Found a bit about the single parent adoption nowadays. It seems the prefecture needs to approve it tho and given how conservative japan is, that is difficult save very few prefectures. Even then, because this is so recent, it is not done and probs wont be a topic in japanese fiction for a while. Seems the couple in the article also needed to wait a looooooooooooooot for the adoption.

    "Although Japan has an adoption system, a "special adoption arrangement” is granted only for legally married couples. Under the “standard adoption arrangement,” applicants wanting to adopt younger children are typically allowed to adopt children of their relatives or acquaintances"

    "The story said that the Osaka city government in Osaka Prefecture had approved a male same-sex couple as foster parents. It said that the couple was believed to be the first case in Japan of a male same-sex couple who had been approved to foster children and that they were already raising a foster child."

    Source: www asahi com/sp/ajw/articles/14519627

    Put the dots for the article site cuz I am afraid mangago would delete my comment if I did lmao

    Yaya March 29, 2024 11:40 am

    Oh, just clarifying I dont think he is in the right. I am just here to provide info on the whole adoption situation lmao

    BelladonnaDeadlyNightshade March 29, 2024 7:30 pm
    Oh, just clarifying I dont think he is in the right. I am just here to provide info on the whole adoption situation lmao Yaya

    hahaha, spam data. so amusing. wish japan was more on the adoption bandwagon and lgbt bandwagon. however, this is in a fictional japan, so there is a possibility that the artist/writer has altered this possibility. not likely, but sometimes they do.

    Yaya March 29, 2024 8:19 pm
    hahaha, spam data. so amusing. wish japan was more on the adoption bandwagon and lgbt bandwagon. however, this is in a fictional japan, so there is a possibility that the artist/writer has altered this possibi... BelladonnaDeadlyNightshade

    Erm... it is not spam data. At least, I didnt intend to spam. I just replied as I remembered and it is not unwanted info, regardless of your ignorant thoughts on the matter(as in not knowing), since it is still a fact that needs to be considered.

    Also, while it is a fictional japan, when there is this kind of slice of life, ppl tend to base off what they know and that is the reality they have there. Even when it comes to same sex marriage they tend to make chars go abroad to be able to have it in case you never noticed, or either have it be in a fantasy world where same sex marriage is considered smth normal or a setting already in another place. It is like asking americans why they base off their slice of life romances on america instead of japan. It is not so simple