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cesuke March 30, 2024 7:06 am

It was always the parents' fault wasnt it??? Whenever I also watch crime series, the root of all the villains/serial kill3rs' traumas or the reasons behind their actions were the parents' disregard to their kids' well-being. Why is it the ones we expect to protect are the ones failing to do it???

Fck the dad. Fck the teacher. You have special place in hell. That was really disgusting. T^T

    Eliona March 30, 2024 7:19 am

    Yes, so many people have child when they even can't take care of themselves.
    Many of our world's problems wouldn't have happened if some people just kept their business in their pants.

    norimak_1999 March 30, 2024 7:57 am

    I don't even know why the dad torments Cirrus like that the dad hates him but still provides him with money to cover his expense (like food, education and even his new place). Like why?? He could have given Cirrus up completely to someone else, maybe to a relative or even an orphanage, but instead he chose to take care of him, and then decides to have some new wives,

    norimak_1999 March 30, 2024 8:01 am
    I don't even know why the dad torments Cirrus like that the dad hates him but still provides him with money to cover his expense (like food, education and even his new place). Like why?? He could have given Ci... norimak_1999

    To me it seem like it was just to spite him. But his actions were pretty contradicting, and serve no purpose. Like cirrus question wasn't even an outburst of emotions anymore but a legitimate question on his motive,the reason why he brought in women and left him alone.
    Sorry I accidentally press post. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭