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I am confused America explain

lgeb0625 April 1, 2024 11:17 pm

My understanding was she asked Yuki if he'd be okay if it was Ina as a test, and her finding her own happiness is her leaving them to be happy. But is she admitting she's in love with Ina??

(This is also coming from someone who doesn't read this manga and only skims through the most recent chapters to watch this dumpster fire BURN)

    blackberry April 2, 2024 3:37 pm

    hmm nope, she’s basically saying she won’t push him anymore about him loving her again and fixing their marriage. she told him she will find her happiness elsewhere, as in she will try to move on and find someone else. she doesn’t have feelings for ina atm.

    lgeb0625 April 2, 2024 9:35 pm
    hmm nope, she’s basically saying she won’t push him anymore about him loving her again and fixing their marriage. she told him she will find her happiness elsewhere, as in she will try to move on and find s... blackberry

    Thank you! The comments confused me