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Man I thought this was gonna be some lighthearted, MINDLESS GL where everything just happe...

Rinsama_ April 2, 2024 8:56 pm

Man I thought this was gonna be some lighthearted, MINDLESS GL where everything just happens just for the plot, but it's actually better than I thought. Characters actually have depth and they're mentioning some important issues. I really like when the prince said we should focus on pushing for women economic independence before other things because even if same sex marriage is legal and some nobles dare to do it. Not everyone, especially women, can follow suit because they're still relying heavily on men earning.

    NICO April 2, 2024 11:39 pm

    Kinda surprised but I'm not hating it, this is getting better and better actually. Although I really want to kick that faye or whatever, maybe Irene would tame her

    Rinsama_ April 3, 2024 4:47 am
    Kinda surprised but I'm not hating it, this is getting better and better actually. Although I really want to kick that faye or whatever, maybe Irene would tame her NICO

    Yes, ngl when the author decided to make a character nasty, they're really nasty I want to fucking throw hands lol