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Never butchered...but his undercover?

Crablante April 4, 2024 1:14 am

Ein said he'd never butchered an animal before but I'm pretty sure his undercover in WitH when he first meets Leto is as a butcher. Anyone else catch this?

    Phime April 4, 2024 1:46 am

    Yep, I was so confused. Especially since I clearly remember him butchering meat in one of the scenes. Honestly though, the story kinda gaslight me though. I thought, because of how confidently he looked when saying it, it was possible I was confusing it with another story or something. I want 100% sure until I read your comment.

    youaremeandiamyou April 4, 2024 1:53 am

    I thought he was cutting fish but I'm not 100% sure

    eth April 4, 2024 2:04 am

    maybe it was fish or the author clearly forgot about it

    pooped April 4, 2024 2:59 am
    I thought he was cutting fish but I'm not 100% sure youaremeandiamyou

    it's fish in the display case! ch. 43

    Crablante April 4, 2024 3:03 am

    Thanks for naming the chapter! It was indeed fish. It's even clearer in ch. 45, he's cutting salmon and the package he puts it into has a fish on it, which suggests the business deals with fish exclusively.

    poppp April 4, 2024 3:03 am

    this is more of a translation thing. in the Korean raw, Belyy question can be directly translated to "don't (you) know how to trim (this)?". no "animal" was mentioned in the sentence. korean is a highly context dependent language. anw my guess is within that context Belyy was asking if Ein knows how to prep an entire wild animal from start to finish, which Ein's reply sounds apt because even though he did work as a fish butcher during his undercover time who knows if he actually knew how to prep the fish and even if he did that doesnt mean he knews how to handle actual four legged animals. or the author just let some details slip after all this years who knows haha.

    Phime April 4, 2024 3:31 am
    this is more of a translation thing. in the Korean raw, Belyy question can be directly translated to "don't (you) know how to trim (this)?". no "animal" was mentioned in the sentence. korean is a highly context... poppp

    Here I was going all CSI on the author's ass thinking he was chopping up humans for the Mafia he was undercover in. I started thinking they just called him the “butcher” because when they brought him a dead person, he would chop them up to help dispose of evidence until he was no longer undercover and he would have a better idea of how the bodies ended up or something. I thought I had remembered seeing him wrap up something the size of half a human forearm worth of beef or pork, or with my new theory that was brewing, an actual half a human forearm. LOL.

    Because I'm also an author, when something isn't fitting nicely in stories written by other people, I tend to start just forming my own head cannon explanations for why things aren't fitting lol.

    poppp April 4, 2024 3:41 am
    Here I was going all CSI on the author's ass thinking he was chopping up humans for the Mafia he was undercover in. I started thinking they just called him the “butcher” because when they brought him a dead... Phime

    yeah i dont wanna re-read the entire arc again but if i remember correctly Ein's fish butcher job was a cover for his work with Yanek (is that his name? lol it's been a while). so like he was an under-under-cover, he pretended to work as a fish butcher while in fact he handled stuffs for Yanek while in actual fact he's an agent sent in to infiltrate Yanek's mafia organization

    Phime April 4, 2024 7:44 am
    yeah i dont wanna re-read the entire arc again but if i remember correctly Ein's fish butcher job was a cover for his work with Yanek (is that his name? lol it's been a while). so like he was an under-under-cov... poppp

    Yep. The only part I didn't remember of that whole thing was that he was a fish butcher specifically.