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Oh my dear, Lyle.

... April 7, 2024 2:02 am

Poor thing. I understand the whole rut but I still feel bad, as if it wasn't ABO and he wasn't warned what would happen and everything it would definitely cross the line. Especially because my boy literally felt like he was dying, even though I know he wanted to be there, his body, mind, and feelings weren't on the same developed page. He needed more processing before this happened. Ash was definitely out of his mind, but you definitely know those are his true feelings yet he definitely feels guilty over losing it and would rather have Kyle enjoy everything too. Even if in Lye's mind he likes it, he felt humiliated and as if it isn't 100% right on his body, as his nature of an Alpha too. I'm all for Alpha x Alpha roles, but I do see how it's difficult. Ash is just way more dominant and Lyle not as much but that doesn't take away from his status either.

Overall, I do love them and they love each other wholeheartedly. Even though Ash's rut was rough, I hear there is one more chapter after this. I do wish communication would still be more clear between those two. Ash expressing his desires beforehand and Lyle accepting his feelings with communicating them to one another. They would both probably feel a lot less internal guilt. 
