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GHOST April 7, 2024 11:59 pm

There’s already a few comments saying it, but seriously. I’ve been wanting to see a switch up scene, at least once, with a main couple in a few of these ongoing BLs.

And this one is probably my number one when it comes to that desire. Their main dynamic right now, Matt on top, Jin on bottom, is seriously good, but I want to see how Matt would handle taking it from Jin. I think it’d be really good, even just once…


    Ision April 8, 2024 1:12 pm

    If it happens it will be a miracle

    Nyctechie08 April 8, 2024 4:28 pm

    Thirst and Neko x Neko have vers couples. Most gay relationships are vers, shame that Yaoi manga does not reflect that. Maybe because written by women.

    GHOST April 9, 2024 8:22 am
    Thirst and Neko x Neko have vers couples. Most gay relationships are vers, shame that Yaoi manga does not reflect that. Maybe because written by women. Nyctechie08

    Someone in another comment recently reminded me of Thirst, which I had started but forgot to continue, but I’ll also check out Neko x Neko. I appreciate it man!

    I agree though. I’m strictly a gay top myself, but that’s because the idea of bottoming to me has some personal deep adversity to it, due to past traumas.

    I love stories and art though, and BL is my best source of interesting gay stories within my aisle of interests, and when it comes to novels, I’ve very much enjoyed the ones where gay couples are more versatile.

    While I very much appreciate all the authors of these BLs, I think far too much I see themes of heteronormative ideals projected onto these fictional men. Some are genuinely good in depicting the queer experience, but sexual dynamic wise, it’s very binary. I also think that is due to BL, not the gay short comics written by actual gay men, being almost entirely dominated by cis and typically straight women.

    While a little unrelated, the other issue I have is how often I see SA / Rape depicted commonly as normal by these authors. None of the gay comics I have read made by men have done this, though I do bet it exists, it seems much less common in the simple short story porn comics I’ve read. This work dealt with the topic in an interesting way, I’ll admit, but I really do think it’s way too heavily depicted in BL and it’s quite tiring.

    It also just seems odd to me, since that is a token part of our sexuality. The fact that we can do both, and many of us do. Why is it so unrepresented in BL? I hate to say it’s because women authors tend to self project onto these characters, in turn, fetishising gay men for their own desires, using us as a conduit for their kinks whilst keeping away from the discomfort of showing such things happening to a woman, but it feels that way a lot of the time. Also that- Gay men, the tops specifically are just seen as more brutal, often depicted as sexual assailants and horrible people within BL. Not within this work so much, but many many others. That does not sit well with me.

    Apologies for the long comment, just some more thoughts I had.

    GHOST April 9, 2024 8:23 am
    Thirst and Neko x Neko have vers couples. Most gay relationships are vers, shame that Yaoi manga does not reflect that. Maybe because written by women. Nyctechie08

    Actually I remember it was you who replied to me in the other comment Haha. But Neko x Neko is one I didn’t know of, so at least that!