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Hypothetical Thought

King of Cows April 8, 2024 1:15 pm

I was bored and wanted to input this.
It just a hypothetical thought that I have after reading 3 chapters. You may ignore it but for those who are interested, let’s be really open minded about this.

First, for those of us who know about the omegaverse. We know that when an omega goes into heat out of the blue. Most alpha don’t have control and goes with their instinct. So they end up being a rapist, if they don’t have the omega consent. Like I said, most but not all alphas are like that. Some have control.

Second, it’s about the omega’s heat. Even if she has a poor financial situation, she could have just bought some just to prevent it from happening. Like, don’t walk into a creepy dark alleyway or bad things happen kind of deal.
Also, she knows she was an omega and I hate to say it but omegas get the short end of the stick. She should have known that if you’re an omega and you’re not carrying suppressant whether you have a cycle heat, irregular heat or a late heat, you’re gonna get rape. But, I’m not going to criticize her too hard because no one expects bad things to happen to them. She was just going by her day and then boom, not knowing her heat came late and she was trying to reach her home safely but it just so happen for an alpha to stumble upon her.
As for the alpha, he should have know that he’s an alpha and could be affected by an omega’s heat. So, he could have carry his suppressant to prevent himself forcing onto her but what if he didn’t carry any or what if he was already affected too much to the point where he’s not thinking straight to use the suppressant or call for help. Therefore, leading to a bad outcome. Also, same thing as the girl. I’m not going to criticize him too much as well because what if he was just minding his own business and boom, an omega in heat and you’re affected and you can’t control your instincts.
I guess to summarize what I was saying. it’s more of a situational awareness and going by your day thinking nothing bad will happen but sometimes, sh*t happens.

Third, we didn’t even hear or know the Alpha side of the story because he didn’t even have a chance to explain. Since it’s the p.o.v of the omega due to the her trauma since the omega keep voicing her opinion but my girl, let him speak. Listen to his side. Who knows, it could be a huge misunderstanding. (So, just get that communication is key but sometimes people just like to beat around the bush or keep secrets or hold their opinions, etc.)
Also, I don’t blame the omega for not listening to him in the first place. She has every right to hate her rapist and wants nothing to do with him. She’s traumatized for goodness sake. Leave her alone.

Fourth, the alpha threatening the girl. Maybe he did that for her sake by looking at her environment and is genuinely concerned about her and the kid but the only way to get a traumatize omega to listen is by playing the bad guy. (Cause I swear. Some people will only understand you when you’re a b*tch or a villain to them.)
BUT, he could have done this in a more gentle way about it, as in kindly talking to her from a distance or asking someone to relay the message for him. There’s a lot of ways he could go about this and his dumb*ss just went the wrong way about it and you’re a doctor. Or are you just dumb.

Fifth, the child. Low key, they piss me off. Like how are you going to go ‘papa’ to a stranger you barely even know. I understand if you say uncle. Like, you’re old enough to speak and somewhat understand. Kids are somewhat perceptive. Is your bond with your mom so weak that you’re going to cry about your mom getting angry at your biological dad, who’s practically a stranger, that you just met a week or two. (I think)
Then again, in some omegaverse stories. The child will feel a special bond with their biological parent even though they’ve been gone for a few years. Or they been seeing the good side of the dad and not knowing what their mom is going through since she’s also keeping up with the facade. Or the child is desperately wanting a dad and hope for a happy relationship.
Anything can happen in these scenarios and then again, you’re a kid but I was hoping that your bond with your mom is much stronger. (Cough cough like Kiraide Isasete, it’s a BL omegaverse story)

Lastly, I was keeping a positive thinking to the story and of course, criticizing their actions. Basically that’s it.
Unless, at the end, the alpha is actually a conniving, manipulative p.o.s and I’m totally wrong about all him cause you may never know until you got the full story and it’s only 3 chapters so far.
Then again, it’s fiction. Anything goes as the author/artist wants. There’s probably a lot that I have left unsaid but feel free to input your own thoughts.

    Moonlitrose23 April 8, 2024 1:19 pm

    The whiplash reading this
    very fair points

    Cheesiness April 8, 2024 1:28 pm

    You cooked with this.

    Cheesiness April 8, 2024 1:28 pm

    Nuu April 8, 2024 1:50 pm

    Concerning your second point, the universe as a whole is just centered around "uncontrollable" urges and how the author decides to handle it.
    The situational awareness is normally forced upon the omega while none is placed on the alpha; in one omegaverse, there was only omega suppressors but they were faulty and too much could cause severe memory problems however everyone knew this and nobody cared. It was until one of the Main pov of the series directly did something
    Or the good suppressors are more expensive
    Or they need specific suppressors
    Or suppressors have long term effects if over used
    Or in "Takatora-kun to Omegatachi", where someone who assumed they were an alpha and grew up with alpha viewpoints, presented as an omega. But he even makes an interesting point about the whole pheromone thing: getting hit by pheromones doesn't automatically mean that they have no choice but to rape omegas, if so they'd have no issue doing it in the middle of a crowd or held at gun point. And yes, the pheromones make you extremely horny but it still takes a lot of rational thought to pin down, strip someone and shove in their dick. And the whole instinct thing is just an excuse to avoid responsibility, that everyone has accepted

    Third, I have read enough to know that they tend to give them some form of tragic backstory and it somehow excuses their actions; I have a VERY vivid example of this that pissed me off

    Fourth, we can think of every way possible that he could've handled it, and it could just involve getting the court involved by only trying to get visitation rights and forced child support which would involve keeping his distance and showing his main focus is his child only but my guess is that he doesn't want this situation to get out, so it doesn't reach his dad.

    Fifth point, the whole parent-child pheromone thing, is the easiest why for a child to be attached to their parent or for the alpha to realize that it's his child he never knew about and reinsert themselves back into their life

    I guess my main interest is just what the author does with this preset mold of a world and how they shape it

    deccallama April 8, 2024 1:56 pm

    there's no way you're actually blaming the victim of rape bcs that's crazy. first of all, she can't afford suppressants, it may be a necessity but it is also a luxury which she has no financial means to secure and she has far more pressing financial needs that makes suppressants not a priority. telling her to always keep a suppressant with her in case of getting early heat and avoid getting raped is equivalent to telling a normal woman how to dress to avoid getting raped.

    it's ridiculous

    next, she quite literally has no social support, or at least very minimal support. she doesn't have a guardian or a partner to help her go through a traumatising situation like rape and teen pregnancy. plus, considering her lack of guardian means she has to financially support herself while also attending school so she did not choose to be in a poor financial situation. your statements are essentially BLAMING HER for getting herself in that situation.

    besides, rape is rape. she does NOT need to listen to his side. it was a very straightforward affair, he lost control of his impulses, he assaulted her sexually, got her pregnant. she doesn't need to listen to his side of the story on what happened. if he wanted to be involved with the baby, he should have respected her boundaries and have used other means to discuss with. she is traumatised, being in close proximity with her rapist terrifies her and him threatening her does not help in him trying to gain her trust. so, yeah no sympathy to the guy. he's a dick and an idiot, he should leave her alone. if he wanted to be in contact with his kid, he should stop scheming and threatening her, respect her and her boundaries.

    also, why are you blaming the kid? it's a CHILD. they're excited to find out that maybe they do have a father and not just a mother. the kid is happy to find out that they have a set of parents instead of having a single parent and that's okay. it's a child, they're not gonna know about the mother's situation because kids are self-centred and it's in their nature and that's okay. what's not okay is to blame the child for not knowing any better simply because they're acting like a kid.

    Norn April 8, 2024 2:08 pm

    I can't get over the victim blaming in this.

    shittyme April 8, 2024 2:42 pm
    there's no way you're actually blaming the victim of rape bcs that's crazy. first of all, she can't afford suppressants, it may be a necessity but it is also a luxury which she has no financial means to secure ... deccallama

    You're so real for that. I can't even imagine being the MC. I mean, living as a woman in this life without any omegaverse is already hard enough. And our MC? She's a woman, living without any support in the omegaverse. And now, she has to live with someone who raped her (portrayed as accidentally but idgaf, it's still rape). It's a whole frickin nightmare. I'd be scared af too if I had to live with someone who raped, abised, or even bullied me. Bond or whatever, it just doesn't sit right with me. All of them have their own shares of faults, but it's still not a wise choice to blame MC who's the victim and Rin who's literally just a child being a child ┗( T﹏T )┛

    mewo April 8, 2024 3:03 pm

    "she should have known" wtf? she literally couldnt afford surpressants what do you want her to do, not go outside?? as if its a crime to exist. also she could just be living in the dark alleyway bc remember shes poor and has nobody to support her (not to mention she was a literal highschool student!!) you even tried to justify his actions, what if he didnt carry any surpressants? oops well time to rape a poor defenseless omega i guess, way to go! plus why should she even hear him out, what he did was rape and thats it, theres no any explanation or nuance for that

    Naty_lala_Chan April 8, 2024 5:21 pm

    The blaming on the victim... you're not "open minded" at all (〜 ̄Д ̄)〜

    Gravenshi April 9, 2024 1:32 am

    I agree with 5. Under watch, that kid will have received a REALITY CHECK really quick. You are the adult here, why over-validating this kid's delusion! aThis is so CRUEL to make a child believe that a criminal is an actual father figure! COME ON!

    Ah, but you seriously lost me in trying to the defend the dude. You know, the LEAST, THE BARE MINIMUM, he could do is to "apologize" or "seek forgiveness", not threaten her!

    In general, I do find quite "unwise" how come so many omega go out without the proper medications. Seriously, let's say you have a condition, a serious allergy, you could be in a really dangerous situation anytime if you don't have an epipene. In this world, the equivalent of a epipene is highly affordable. Yet, this basic idea, for plot sake, of having one with you is not normalized enough in omegaverse. When you use common sense, it is hardly disturbing.

    I know what you mean, but my, trying to insinuate she has fault... Yikes. Given how the rage of the MC is so genuine, I have hard time accepting the idea of faulting here. She suffered enough. Let her be, please.

    King of Cows April 9, 2024 5:51 am
    Concerning your second point, the universe as a whole is just centered around "uncontrollable" urges and how the author decides to handle it.The situational awareness is normally forced upon the omega while non... Nuu

    Like I said. There was a lot of things left unsaid and I didn’t proofread some of my points. But thanks for reminding me on some things. It’s really up to how the author wants to do their story and what type of omegaverse it is. So this is all just base on my speculation

    And I agree with you. The whole situational awareness is mostly put on the omega. That’s why I said they get the short end of the stick but I did say to keep an open mind. Like, what if this omegaverse story has alpha suppressors or carry omega suppressors like how you would carry a condom and what if they have been taught at a young age not to be conceited because they’re alphas, etc. and I was trying to think positive for a moment but honestly. You have a fair point. What if this omegaverse story only has omega suppressant. Or they’re expensive. Or faulty, etc. like some of the series out there. So, I could be wrong and you could be right.
    Also, I absolutely think you’re correct on about the whole instinct is just an excuse to avoid responsibility which people just accepted. Like, even if it’s instinct, it’s no excuse, they should have taken responsibility.

    But I was also just speaking it as the point of view of the alpha. For example, imagine NO tragic back story. (Although it’s most likely a given since it’s a cliche thing). This is just bullsh*t scenario I made up. So read it at your own risk.
    Imagine he’s your regular good ol’ citizen living day to day, going to school or work. Then one day on his walk home. All of a sudden, he gets hit by the omega pheromones. Then, what if he has low tolerance. Or it’s like he’s been drug. Or force to be blackout drunk due to the pheromones. (Or my past examples about the suppressant).
    And so, he barely has control over his body or consciousness to think or move rationally. Just to wake up and found out that he’s a p.o.s of a human being because he rape an innocent person and he knows he can’t blame it on the pheromones or instincts and he’s going to take responsibility but he couldn’t find her and now he’s filled with horrible guilt.
    Overall, I would like to think that there’s something more. Then again, I could be totally wrong and he’s actually a really p.o.s alpha with or without a tragic backstory.

    I’m not going to say much about this part but we all know there’s a lot of ways the alpha could’ve went about this and he went the wrong way about it.
    Whether it’s apologizing for being a rapist, or getting close to the kid, or leaving them alone, or moving out of town, or going to jail, etc.
    I’ll leave it to your guys imagination.

    Also, a big thank you. For explaining it better than I could ever have about the whole parent-child pheromone thing. I was looking for the right words and sentences but ended up with the special bond that they have.

I agree with your main interest as well. I want to know how they will end this.

    King of Cows April 9, 2024 5:54 am
    there's no way you're actually blaming the victim of rape bcs that's crazy. first of all, she can't afford suppressants, it may be a necessity but it is also a luxury which she has no financial means to secure ... deccallama

    Wow lovelies. I’m not blaming nor victim blaming and you guys are putting words in my mouth. Look, I already said it. I was just thoughts and criticism on all of their actions and not just the woman but if you see that as blaming then go ahead. I can’t control your own thoughts but don’t be twisting my words or adding to it. It was suppose to be hypothetical and not an accusation.
    Also, I already said I don’t blame her. She has every right to hate her rapist since she’s traumatized and wants nothing to do with him.

    And l also said that I left a lot of things unsaid cause I’m was hoping you guys will be insightful enough to fill in the gaps because some information has already been told in the manga but I assume that you’re not getting my meaning. So, let me politely break it down to the best of my lame capabilities so you would understand.

    Yes, I know she can’t afford suppressant because of her financial situation. They say that in the manga so I didn’t have the need to point that out. I also said that no one expects bad things to happen. I also know that she didn’t even know she was going into a late heat. So it’s normal for her to not be carrying any suppressors or buying some. I know that she has minimal support nor a guardian or a parent or a partner. I know that she’s alone and providing for herself. I get all of that and I guess I should have pointed all of these out in my comments but I didn’t think I would have to since it’s been said in the manga.
    BUT. I have never once blame her to be in that situation. No. All I said was that they could have prevented it. And, I also said that no one wishes bad things to happen to them so how can they prevent a tragedy when they never expect it. They just went on their day and it just so happens that misfortune follows.

    Anyway, what I said about the omega carrying suppressant was more of a thought. For example, if you’re a woman, granted you’ve been given some sort of education about this, then you know that you have a menstrual cycle. Whether it’s regular or irregular. You should carry pads/tampons just in case it comes along and if you don’t carry any. Then that’s okay cause it’s not like you’re expected to carry it all the time or know when it comes (unless you know your cycle). So, it was more of that kind of thought that I want to say about it. No need to dig deep or find ways to accuse me of blaming her. Stop it.
    As for your example. You should have chosen something much more suitable because there’s always an invisible warning label for the way how women is dress. As ridiculous and sadly as that sounds, it’s true. Society tend to sexualized and label people, depending where you’re from. And if you haven’t have that experience, ignorance is bliss. I pray that you’re not subjugated to that type of harassment.
    So. I’m not saying that you should listen to others or follow their will or carry a suppressant or watch how you dress so you don’t get rape. No. Not at all.
    I’m just saying that there’s an invisible warning label that you’ve been taught or tips/advices that people give and to take that information and use it as you want and hopefully know the consequences because there are some immoral people out there and who knows. It could be your unlucky day but I hope not.

    As for rape is rape. I agree. And again. I don’t blame her. I have said that she has every right to hate her rapist since she’s traumatized and wants nothing to do with him and to leave her alone. I also said that she does not have to listen his side of the story.
    Same with the kid. I’m not blaming them. This was just my own opinion. I just don’t like them and you can’t force people to like something they dislike. So get that memo in your thoughts.
    I also did say “Anything can happen in these scenarios and then again, you’re a kid.” So I get it, they’re a kid. A kid is a child. I know. I know. I was just hoping a bit more from them cause some kids are somewhat perceptive and smart, and yet again, they’re selfish and obnoxious and dumb.
    So your point was just adding multiple points to my sh*tty explanation of simplified point. Duly noted and thank you.

    Lastly, you guys are blaming me for blaming her when I haven’t blame no one. It was just a hypothetical thought and criticism and an opinion. Don’t put words in my mouth. I swear some of you are not reading my comment or understanding correctly but I guess that’s my fault for not wanting to write a full blown 10 page essay to explain. I apologize.

    King of Cows April 9, 2024 6:02 am
    The blaming on the victim... you're not "open minded" at all (〜 ̄Д ̄)〜 Naty_lala_Chan

    I didn’t blame the victim nor anyone and I was open minded. You’re not.
    I was seeing pros and cons to all side of the party. The positives and the negatives. Whatever external extremities, if there was any. To both the alpha and the omega and the kid.
    I just didn’t explain it thoroughly into an 10 page essay. Which was my bad.

    King of Cows April 9, 2024 6:08 am
    I agree with 5. Under watch, that kid will have received a REALITY CHECK really quick. You are the adult here, why over-validating this kid's delusion! aThis is so CRUEL to make a child believe that a criminal ... Gravenshi

    You phrase that better than I can ever did with my lame skills. You hit the highlights of what I was trying to get at but I failed to do so.

    I totally agree with you. She’s the adult here but some adult don’t want kids to know the bad thing’s going on or they don’t want them to have a bad reputation because of what happens to their mother.

    As for that, I was just defending him in case he also turns out to be a victim despite being a rapist. (I’m not going to explain again since I already did so to anothers’ comment). Or if there’s a redemption arc. Etc. I don’t know yet.
    I also didn’t want to jump into the fire and totally hate him yet since it’s only been three chapters and like, you don’t know the characters until you get the full story. I was just trying to see if there was something else to it. Then again, like I said. I could be totally wrong and he’s a p.o.s and you guys are right. Feel free to flame me then.

    I honestly agree. You said it better than I could. For plot sakes, most omegas don’t have their suppressant or medication.
    I wasn’t trying to find faults or faulting her but it just so happens to be it that I didn’t realize. To me, it was more criticism and maybe concern like how you said with the serious allergy and epipen example. My bad.

    Nuu April 9, 2024 1:05 pm
    Like I said. There was a lot of things left unsaid and I didn’t proofread some of my points. But thanks for reminding me on some things. It’s really up to how the author wants to do their story and what typ... King of Cows

    Concerning the alpha, if he were a victim of circumstances, I would still have no pity simply because of how he chose to handle this situation with his child. He knows how she's super traumatized and he has shown 0 sympathy in how he interacts with her. If we wait and see and we find out his pov, our first impression is that he disregards the feelings of others regardless of his overall intention.

    Also I forgot to mention another way onegas get the short end of the stick; and omega's heat can be triggered by an alpha regardless if they took their suppressors, if they are a fated pair.
    They are bonded for life to one person but an alpha can bond multiple people.
    There are some that have surgeries to remove the bonding mark but it is super dangerous and expensive