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Everything went down the drain!

B!tch_Smile April 8, 2024 4:19 pm

This story was all nice upto chapter 100. After that, in order to drag the story, it turned sh!tty AF. The FL found her happy ending at around 100 and the bad people are punished. But after that, the bad people again rose to power even after they were dragged down to streets and now they are after the FL to destroy her life and happiness. Like heck! Give them a break man! Let the FL breathe. Its as if the author is hell bent on showing the bad will win over the good, not the other way around. Like why?

I'm dropping this and I advise you not to read it till the end.

If you are into that 2nd lead romance and revenge plot, read upto chapter 100 and then drop it.

Upto chapter 100, the rating is 8/10 but now the rating is 1/10
