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don’t miss out on this green flag shoujo masterpiece ^^

grumpyface:] April 9, 2024 2:51 am

- adorable meter (maxed)
- trustworthy main characters
- love story based on trust and respect not just attraction
- growth potential (1000)
- line art you shouldn’t miss out on
- nuanced interactions between characters
- engaging read that you’ll read squirming with excitement at certain times
- guaranteed that you will at least once find yourself thinking “cuteness overload”
- I’m the type who can’t get excited by simple light-heartedness in a story. I need meaningful and sensible talk between the characters, a more intimate vibe from time to time, a sense that we’re getting to know the characters more deeply, even when buoyed by the humor. If you’re like me, I recommend this read! This is a humorous but not shallow read. A true gem of shoujo universe.
- OTP-worth coupling
- promising storyline
- might have more merits that I’m not including here so you might as well find out for yourself by reading the work ^^
- I really just wanted to rant about how adorbs this masterpiece is. (This is no way a proper review that could fully give the work justification).

I just thought that if someone out there find themselves loving this manga just as much as me if not more and this post is what gave them the nudge, then wouldn’t that be wonderful?

Wouldn’t it be a waste otherwise?
