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Honestly Daichi’s behavior was a big pain in the arse. You can see he was puddled in int...

Cam April 10, 2024 9:58 pm

Honestly Daichi’s behavior was a big pain in the arse. You can see he was puddled in internalized homophobia but he knew he loved Noburu he just couldn’t handle being talked about by people and their opinions on them. It was very frustrating because I personally don’t think any of the actions that Noburu showed were treating him as a girl rather just treating him like Daichi, not a guy, just Daichi. I’m glad they were able to patch things up though and Daichi’s turning point and trying not to care so much because it is hard when your country’s conservative. Loved this tho I give it a 7.5/10

    sugsgloss April 11, 2024 8:48 pm

    i get so frustrated with characters like this and then remember to which point japan is a "the nail that stickes out gets hammered down" type of society and empathize a bit more