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Someone explain please

Jisoo April 12, 2024 6:15 pm

I'm a bit confused....he's at 16 stars right now, and he's supposed to get 30 I think. Which means 14 more, his restaurants on average got 2 each, meaning there should still be a long time until he reaches the 30, so why is he talking like this restaurant will be the last one needed to reach 30?

    Loner April 12, 2024 6:42 pm

    Maybe he didn't study math?

    pyukumuku April 13, 2024 12:54 am

    long comment, stick with me :3

    The max amount of michelin stars you can get is actually 3! here’s the layout as of ch.67:

    Red pasta: 3
    It got 2 stars in the first year, and was raised to 3 in Ban’s second year

    then his solo red place (red ban yoo): 3

    Then we have the all seasons (AL) hotel that has 3 different restaurants in his name:

    AL Red- 2
    AL Blue- 2
    AL Yellow- 2

    and then we have the restaurant he opened after the fashion show (ban yoo black): 2

    and lastly i believe is ban yoo pumpkin (which his mother runs): 2

    So if you add it up, he DID get 16 in his first 2 years! Assuming all the 2’s get bumped up to 3’s and that none of them lose stars, that’d bring him to 21 stars.

    The rest is hypothetical, so it’s okay to skip if this is too long.

    He now has an all seasons NY branch with 3 restaurants:
    purple- The one Ban cooked for its opening
    brown- The one Jerry (short hair twin) cooked for
    green- The one Henry (long hair twin) cooked for

    Then there’s ban yoo gold (dubai) and blue (japan) with the possibility of 2 other japan restaurants opening.

    If you add all of that in, it looks like this:

    Total by second year- 16

    If all AL NY branches get 3 stars: +9
    If gold (dubai) gets 3 stars: +3
    If blue (japan) gets 3 stars: +3
    16 + 15 (9+3+3) = 31

    which takes him 1 star over his goal! and if he DOES open 2 more restaurants in japan (besides blue) and they ALSO get 3 stars each, he’d have a grand total of 37 stars.

    SORRY THIS IS SO LONGGGG. I’ve been locked in on this story so I wanted to nerd out a bit. Hope this helps <3

    Aranela April 13, 2024 1:22 am
    long comment, stick with me :3The max amount of michelin stars you can get is actually 3! here’s the layout as of ch.67:Red pasta: 3It got 2 stars in the first year, and was raised to 3 in Ban’s second year... pyukumuku

    Ohhh that makes sense! I was wondering the same thing and tot his time limit was up or something… I really enjoyed this too but didn’t expect the ending this soon and the timeskips have me feeling…. But hopefully he can tackle more cuisines coz I enjoy his cooking discussions

    Jisoo April 15, 2024 3:31 pm
    long comment, stick with me :3The max amount of michelin stars you can get is actually 3! here’s the layout as of ch.67:Red pasta: 3It got 2 stars in the first year, and was raised to 3 in Ban’s second year... pyukumuku

    Oh wow thank you! This is quite informative! I love how you paid attention to all the little details. I now get it, thanks again!