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Season 1 chapter 7

WishingStarz April 13, 2024 1:16 am

So far it seems like the uke has a huge pride issue that blinds him from try to understand others. Like, I get that the male lead is a dick so far but it seems like he was raised in an environment that didn't teach him how to mingle with others well. It's a school full of rich kids and he's an odd one out. I feel like he'd have a lot less issues if he let go of some of that pride.

    OopsieDaisy April 14, 2024 5:43 am

    He's actually getting better in recent chapters. He got his priorities straight now , by god's grace.

    WishingStarz April 14, 2024 9:12 am
    He's actually getting better in recent chapters. He got his priorities straight now , by god's grace. OopsieDaisy

    Just finished season 3 chapter 10, and you are definitely right. So relieved I stuck through it.