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don't hate me for this

simp April 14, 2024 8:23 pm

it's cute and all but idk if it's just me or is this manhwa so weirdly paced? like it took 40 chapters just to arrive at the main residence in the north??? like there's so much filler stuff that idgaf about since most of it is always "OMFHDHDH SHE'S SO CUTE GOTTA GIVE HER CAKE" like i get it she's cute, but omfg it's so repetitive?? like every other scene has to involve someone giving her something or adoring her just because she's cute like i honestly just cringe a little because everyone's attention is literally always on her, and i get she's the mc, but it's kinda much for me

    moody_bish April 17, 2024 11:55 am

    The fanserve became so saturated i forgot the main plot tbh HAHAHA