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Do you’ll remember that chapter where the $hitty priest lady showed Agia what happens to...

Honey-BEE April 17, 2024 3:53 pm

Do you’ll remember that chapter where the $hitty priest lady showed Agia what happens to the past agia’s? Do you guys think all the past agia’s are still alive and in pain because Agia can’t die and that’s why he wants to die so bad. To end the cycle? But also obviously the creepy church is up to something and lying to him. Hmmmmm?

    potato April 17, 2024 6:28 pm

    I think that part is just a nightmare thoughh

    Honey-BEE April 17, 2024 8:05 pm
    I think that part is just a nightmare thoughh potato

    His nightmares are a combination of truth and drama. That’s why he keeps re-living his mom’s death and why he said in his dream he already knew where he was without asking. He’s been there before.