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She hates him and the child for being an Allankes, like gurrlll.. they are not the one who...

RedRose April 19, 2024 2:04 am

She hates him and the child for being an Allankes, like gurrlll.. they are not the one who hurt you, they helped you gain revenge

    youraedthiswrogn April 19, 2024 5:24 am

    I don't want to be rude, but your comment makes it very hard... What do you mean "she hates him and the child for being an Allankes"? How did you read the same thing I did and get that from what we both read? The issue is the lie and the low he's willing to stoop to in order to get what he wants.

    She's right, he killed Dietrich. It was reality for her for *years* that Dietrich was dead. He did that to her. And it was intentional. He was okay with letting her suffer how she did to get her. He meant for him to actually die, he just didn't and didn't surface until now. It's complete happenstance that he's even alive now. For him to say "I didn't kill him" like that's even the point is just deluded. As he is. To say "he's alive, he came here with you!" is just as deluded.