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so how u all gonna backup FL for this huh? ML is serving in this chapter 💯 what he said...

kirishimahoe April 19, 2024 2:34 am

so how u all gonna backup FL for this huh? ML is serving in this chapter what he said all true and yeah she groomed him to become mad dog all for hew own sake now ML didn't go to dietrich at that time, hes all at fault???? FL so entitled oh im so annoyed with her. but i will keep reading this bcs it's entertaining and i want to know what happen to their son

    youraedthiswrogn April 19, 2024 5:06 am

    I don't believe for a second that he only got his memories back while killing people on the battlefield. He's been into her since he was a kid, I doubt that has nothing to do with his obsession with her in his past life. Besides, we've seen how regression works, she had all her memories right away...

    I don't buy the "groomed" theory, he's a grown ass man the whole time, he just pretends not to be to manipulate her. That's who he is as a person. This new "I didn't kill him" argument he's brought up misses the entire point, which is *intentions*. He wanted him to die. He planned for him to die. It doesn't matter that he didn't do it himself. The whole line of reasoning is entirely self-serving and delusional. If you walk a certain path to work every day and I hate your guts and see that the bridge you cross each day *will* fall if you cross it today and I just sit there waiting expectantly for your death, choosing consciously not to tell you with the hope in my heart that you will die, that's premeditated murder whether i did it myself or not.

    SSR Bald Banobo Jesus May 18, 2024 3:18 pm
    I don't believe for a second that he only got his memories back while killing people on the battlefield. He's been into her since he was a kid, I doubt that has nothing to do with his obsession with her in his ... youraedthiswrogn

    Thank you, someone who actually read the story and just drooling over the ML