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I meannnn they never talked about it... ?

baabiction April 20, 2024 10:05 am

I meannnn they never talked about it... ?

    QueenChan April 20, 2024 11:10 am

    still though, since when is so hurtful.

    Maliacam April 20, 2024 11:13 am

    Yes, you are right. But we know he was catching feelings and thinking they were something. Like you said, they never said ANYTHING about it. Not even that it would be just casual. They both just assumed what was more logical for them, which is the whole point, the lack of communication. We are sad because we saw how whipped the top was getting, misunderstanding the situation and the fact that he has abandonment issues doesn't help. It's not the bottom's fault, more like an issue in both of their communications.