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If this somehow ends up with a straight couple endgame I'm done

Lune April 20, 2024 11:12 pm

If this somehow ends up with a straight couple endgame...

Yooseong is having a lot of skin ship, affection and overall screentime setting him up with the MC
It's honestly shocking how much of chemistry and moments of them are being shown, way more than I'd assume from a straight manhwa

Areum which I at first assumed would be the FL is really close with Songyi and has been prioritizing her over everyone else as well

I don't think the straight romance option is gonna make any sense by the end with how much setup there is for both the BL and GL couples here, so I hope it's either no romance or at least implies the gay couples

    Ur_bisexual_bi*ch April 24, 2024 5:01 am

    And genuinely I wish people made gays and lesbian more normalised
    Like I'm just saying but the tag here isn't shoujo right? So why does the underlying romance in any shounen or seinen always have to be straight? Unless it's shoujo just make the underlying romance gay or/and lesbian if the chemistry is there!!
    I have been so disappointed in some shounen where the women had so much more chemistry but ended up with a random man and vice versa

    lilithespark May 12, 2024 8:56 pm
    And genuinely I wish people made gays and lesbian more normalisedLike I'm just saying but the tag here isn't shoujo right? So why does the underlying romance in any shounen or seinen always have to be straight?... Ur_bisexual_bi*ch

    honestly same. it’s such a given that in shounen the romance is always straight. i wish that shounen/seinen could have gay romance without it necessarily having to be bl/gl. just a romance subplot but it’s gay. nothing else to it